Saturday, February 7, 2009
Never to young to Love
Just a couple minutes ago, while painting this little girls toe nails that i was babysitting, she starts telling me about this boy who she is in love with. (Ok this little girl is 7 years old). Alot of people think you can`t love when you are that young. But as I was scratching her back as she fell asleep I started thinking about what she had just told me. These were her exact words, "I love him, But I`m afraid he doesn`t love me back, but even if he doesn`t I`ll still love him b/c we are the same and he`s sweet and makes me feel so good. He is so romantic. And we laugh at the same jokes and understand each other. We are so uch alike except he is a boy and i`m a girl. I mean it just seems ment to be." Keep in mind she is 7 years old. But as I sat there I thought to myself that you really are never to young to love. B/c for the same exact reason she loves this little boy is for the same reason people fall in love when they are older. Most people would probably think about how silly and wrong this little girl is, but I know better b/c God made us to love others at any age, at any time, and at any cost. The only thing that keeps 2 people from being together is change. But through everything those 2 people will always have those memories and that love for one another. I know b/c I was once that same little silly girl everyone made fun of. And I`m still that same silly girl now, just older and i`ve expereinced life more. So before making assumptions about how people feel and how wrong they are, think about this and how God put us all here to Love one another.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Obsession keeps growing <3

Ok, I admit I`ve gotten a little bit more obsessed since i found this new Twilight website. These are the reasons i Love Twilight :)
- The books are so relatable.
- It covers every single kind of Love throughout the 4 books.
- The books are funny.
- And even though they are fictional in ways they are so real to.
- The books have drama, love, comedy, and action.

6. They will make you cheer, cry, laugh, and hyperventalate.
I mean come on, if this doesn`t make you hyperventalate then nothing will.
Sometimes you can`t deny how you feel <3>
Sunday, January 18, 2009

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